Thank You Ma'am Question Answer (SAQ) | Class 12 | West Bengal Board

On this page we have discussed about Langston Hughes's short story 'Thank You ma'am' Question Answer. In this story Hughes has shown how an older woman transforms a young boy who tried to steal her pocketbook. On this page we provided Short Type Question (SAQ) of the story. We hope it helps the students.

Thank You Ma'am Question Answer

  • Thank You Ma'am Bengali Meaning | বাংলা অনুবাদ | বাংলা উচ্চারন - Click Here

Thank You Ma'am Question Answer:

1) Who wrote the story 'Thank You Ma'am'? (কে 'Thank You Ma'am' গল্পটি লিখেছেন?)

    Or, Who is the author of 'Thank You Ma'am'? ('Thank You Ma'am' গল্পের লেখক কে?)

Answer: Langston Hughes wrote the story 'Thank You Ma'am'.

2) What was there in the large purse of the woman? (মহিলাটির বড় ব্যাগে কী ছিল?) 

    Or, What did the purse of the woman contain? (মহিলাটির ব্যাগে কী থাকত?)

Answer: There was everything in the large purse of the woman except hammer and nails.

3) How did Mrs. Jones carry her bag? (কীভাবে মিসেস জোনস্ তার ব্যাগটি বহন করত?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones carried her bag slung across her shoulder.

4) What was the time when Mrs. Jones was returning? (কখন মিসেস জোনস্ ফিরছিলেন?)

    Or, When was Mrs. Jones returning from her works? (কখন মিসেস জোনস্ তার কাজ থেকে বাড়ি ফিরছিলেন?)

Answer: When Mrs. Jones was returning, it was about eleven o'clock at night.

5) When and where did Roger and Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones meet? (কখন এবং কোথায় রোজার এবং মিসেস লুয়েলা বিটস্ ওয়াশিংটন জোনসের দেখা হয়েছিল?)

Answer: Roger and Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones met at the corner of the road at eleven o'clock at night.

6) Who accompanied Mrs. Jones in her walk? (হাঁটার সময় মিসেস জোনসকে কে সঙ্গ দিয়েছিল?)

Answer: None accompanied Mrs. Jones in her walk.

7) What happened when Mrs. Jones was walking alone? (কী ঘটেছিল যখন মিসেস জোনস্  একা হাঁটছিলেন?)

Answer: When Mrs. Jones was walking alone at night, a boy ran up behind her and tried to snatch her purse.

8) When did the boy try to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones? (কখন মিসেস জোনসের ব্যাগটাকে ছেলেটি ছিনিয়ে নিয়েছিল?)

Answer: When Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones was returning home at eleven o'clock at night, the boy tried to snatch her purse.

9) What happened to the purse? (ব্যাগটার সাথে কী ঘটেছিল?)

Answer: The strap of the purse broke with a single tug the boy gave it from behind.

Thank You Ma'am Questions Answers:

10) Why couldn't Roger run away after snatching Mrs. Jones' purse? (ব্যাগটি ছিনিয়ে নেওয়ার পর কেন রোজার দৌড়তে পারল না?)

Answer: Roger couldn't run away after snatching Mrs. Jones' purse because he lost his balance for the weight of the bag and fell on the sidewalk.

11) Where did Roger fall on losing his balance? (ভারসাম্য হারিয়ে রোজার কোথায় পড়ে গিয়েছিল?)

Answer: Roger fell on sidewalk after losing his balance.

12) What did the large woman do to the boy? (বড়োসড়ো মহিলাটি ছেলেটির সাথে কী করেছিল?)

Answer: The large woman kicked him in his blue-jeaned sitter and picked the boy up by his shirt front and shook him until his teeth rattled.

13) What did Mrs. Jones do to the boy after lifting him? (মিসেস জোনস্ ছেলেটিকে তোলার পর তার সাথে কী করেছিল?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones shook the boy until his teeth rattled after lifting him.

14) What did Mrs. Luella Jones ask the boy to pick up? (মিসেস লুয়েলা  ছেলেটিকে কী তুলতে বলেছিল?)

Answer: Mrs. Luella Jones asked the boy to pick up her pocketbook.

15) Why did Mrs. Jones bend down? (কেন মিসেস জোনস্ ঝুকেছিলেন?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones bent down to permit the boy to stoop for picking up her purse.

16) Why didn't Mrs. Jones release the boy? (কেন মিসেস জোনস্ ছেলেটাকে ছেড়ে দিল না?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones didn't release the boy because she wanted to wash his face.

17) 'You a lie' - Why was this said? (কেন এটি বলা হয়েছে?)
    Or, Why did Mrs. Jones call the boy a liar? (কেন মিসেস জোনস্ ছেলেটিকে মিথ্যুক বলেছেন?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones called the boy a liar because the boy said that he had not any intention to steal her purse.

18) According to Mrs. Jones, how old was the boy? (মিসেস জোনসের মতে ছেলেটির বয়স কত?)

Answer: According to Mrs. Jones, the boy was fourteen or fifteen years old.

19) How was the face of the boy? (ছেলেটির মুখ কেমন ছিল?)

Answer: The face of the boy was dirty.

20) Where did Luella take the boy in 'Thank You Ma'am'? ('Thank You Ma'am' গল্পে কোথায় লুয়েলা ছেলেটিকে নিয়ে গেছিল?)

Answer: In 'Thank You Ma'am' Luella took the boy in her own house.

Question Answer of Thank You Ma'am:

21) What shoes and jeans was Roger wearing? (রোজার কী জুতো এবং জিন্স পড়েছিল?)

Answer: Roger was wearing tennis shoes and blue jeans.

22) What would Mrs. Jones teach Roger if he was her son? (মিসেস জোনস রোজারকে কী শেখাতেন যদি সে তার ছেলে হত?)

Answer: If Roger was Mrs. Jones' son, she would teach him right from wrong.

23) What did the woman decide to do with the boy's face? (মহিলাটি ছেলেটির মুখটিকে কী করবে বলে মনস্থির করল?)

Answer: The woman decided to wash the boy's face.

24) What is the full name of Mrs. Jones? (মিসেস জোনসের পুরো নাম কী?)

Answer: Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones is the full name of Mrs. Jones.

25) What did Mrs. Jones do when the boy began to struggle? (যখন ছেলেটি নিজেকে বাঁচানোর চেষ্টা শুরু করল তখন মিসেস জোনস কী করল?)

Answer: When the boy began to struggle, Mrs. Jones jerked him and put a half-nelson about his neck and continued to drag him up the street.

26) Where did Mrs. Jones take the boy? (কোথায় মিসেস জোনস ছেলেটিকে নিয়ে গেছিল?)

Answer: She took the boy into a large kitchenette furnished room at the rear of the house.

27) Where was the kitchenette furnished room situated? (কোথায় সুসজ্জিত রান্নাঘরটি অবস্থিত ছিল?)

Answer: The kitchenette furnished room was situated at the rear of the house where Mrs. Jones lived.

28) What could the boy hear in the house? (ছেলেটি বাড়িটিতে কী শুনতে পেল?)

Answer: The boy could hear other roomers laughing and talking in the large house.

29) Were the boy and the woman alone in the house? (ছেলেটি এবং মেয়েটি কী বাড়িতে একাই ছিল?)

Answer: No. There were other roomer in the house.

30) How did the boy know that he and the woman were not alone in the house? (কীভাবে ছেলেটি জানতে পারল যে সে এবং মহিলাটি বাড়িতে একা নয়?)

Answer: The boy know that he and the woman were not alone in the house by hearing other roomers laughing and talking in the house.

Questions Answers of Thank You Ma'am:

31) What was the name of the boy in 'Thank You Ma'am'? (ছেলেটির নাম কী?)

Answer: The name of the boy was Roger.

32) What was Mrs. Jones' instruction to the boy to wash his face? (ছেলেটির মুখ পরিষ্কার করার জন্য মিসেস জোনসের নির্দেশ কী ছিল?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones instructed the boy to go to the sink to wash his face.

33) What did Mrs. Jones ask Roger to do reaching her house? (বাড়িতে পৌঁচ্ছে মিসেস জোনস রোজারকে কী বললেন?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones asked Roger to go to the sink to wash his face after reaching her house.

34) Where did the lady turn the boy loose? (কোথায় মহিলাটি ছেলেটিকে ছেড়ে দিল?)

Answer: The lady turned the boy loose in the middle of her room.

35) What did Mrs. Jones give the boy to clean his face? (মিসেস জোনস ছেলেটিকে কী দিয়েছিল তার মুখটিকে পরিষ্কার করার জন্য?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones gave the boy a clean towel to clean his face.

36) Bending Over the sink what did the boy ask Mrs. Jones? (বেসিনের ওপর ঝুঁকে পড়ে ছেলেটি মিসেস জোনসকে কী জিজ্ঞাসা করেছিল?)

Answer: Bending over the sink, the boy asked Mrs. Jones whether she wanted to take him to jail.

37) "Then we'll eat" - Who are 'we' here? (এখানে 'we' কাদের বলা হয়েছে?)

Answer: In 'Thank You Ma'am', Roger and Mrs. Jones are 'we' here.

38) What did Mrs. Jones assume about the reason of Roger's snatching the bag? (রোজারের ব্যাগটি ছিনিয়ে নেওয়ার কারন হিসাবে মিসেস জোনস কী অনুমান করেছিলেন?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones assumed that Roger might be hungry. So he snatched her pocketbook.

39) Why did Roger want to snatch the large purse of Mrs. Jones? (কেন রোজার মিসেস জোনসের বড় ব্যাগটাকে ছিনিয়ে নিতে চেয়েছিল?)

Answer: Roger wanted to snatch the large purse of Mrs. Jones to buy some blue suede shoes.

40) Why did Roger dry his face twice? (কেন ছেলেটি তার মুখটা ‍দ্বিতীয়বার মুছল?)

Answer: Roger dried his face twice because he did know what else to do.

Thank You Ma'am Question Answer:

41) Where was the woman sitting? (কোথায় মহিলাটি বসেছিল?)

Answer: The woman was sitting on the day-bed.

42) What did Mrs. Jones order Roger to look presentable? (মিসেস জোনস রোজার কে কী আদেশ দিয়েছিল ভালো দেখানোর জন্য?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones ordered Roger to comb his hair to look presentable.

43) Why did Mrs. Jones want the boy to comb his hair? (কেন মিসেস জোনস ছেলেটি চুল আঁচড়াতে বলেছিল?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones wanted the boy to comb his hair so that he would look presentable.

44) What were there behind the screen in Mrs. Jones' room? (মিসেস জোনসের বাড়িতে পর্দার পিছনে কী ছিল?)

Answer: There were a gas plate and an icebox behind the screen in Mrs. Jones' room.

45) Where did Mrs. Jones leave her purse before going to cook? (মিসেস জোনস রান্না করতে যাওয়ার আগে তার টাকার ব্যাগটা কোথায় ফেলে রেখে গিয়েছিল?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones left her purse on the day bed before going to cook.

46) Why did the boy sit on the far side of the room? (কেন ছেলেটি কামরার কিছুটা দূরে বসেছিল?)

Answer: The boy sat on the far side of the room so that Mrs. Jones could easily see him out of the corner of the other eye.

47) What did the boy want to do for Mrs. Jones? (মিসেস জোনসের জন্য ছেলেটি কী করতে চেয়েছিল?)

Answer: The boy wanted to go to the store to get some milk or something.

48) How did Mrs. Jones use the canned milk? (কীভাবে মিসেস জোনস ক্যানের দুধটা ব্যবহার করেছিল?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones made cocoa using the canned milk.

49) What were there in the ice-box? (আইস বক্সে কী ছিল?)
    Or, What did the icebox in 'Thank You Ma'am' contain? ('Thank You Ma'am' গল্পে ঠান্ডা বাক্সটিতে কী ছিল?)

Answer: There were some lima beans and ham in the ice-box.

50) What did Mrs. Jones give the boy to eat? (মিসেস জোনস ছেলেটিকে কী খেতে দিয়েছিল?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones gave the boy some lima beans, ham and half of her ten cent cake to eat.

Thank You Ma'am Question Answer:

51) What type of conversation did Mrs. Jones avoid to prevent herself from embarrassing the boy? (কী ধরনের কথপোকথন মিসেস জোনস এড়িয়ে গেছিলেন যেগুলি ছেলেটিকে বিব্রত করতে পারে?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones avoided the questions about the boy's living, folk or anything else to prevent herself from embarrassing the boy.

52) What about were they talking while having dinner? (তারা কী কথা বলছিল যখন তারা রাতের খাবার খাচ্ছিল?)

Answer: While having dinner they were talking about Mrs. Jones' job in a hotel beauty shop.

53) Where did Mrs. Jones work? (কোথায় মিসেস জোনস কাজ করত?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones worked in a hotel beauty shop.

54) What kind of ladies did Mrs. Jones meet? (মিসেস জোনস কীধরনের মহিলাদের সাথে দেখা করত?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones met all kinds of women like blondes, red-heads and Spanish. 

55) How much did the cake cost Mrs. Jones? (কেকটা মিসেস জোনস কত টাকায় কিনে ছিল?)

Answer: The price of the cake was ten cent.

56) How much money did Mrs. Jones give the boy? (কতটাকা মিসেস জোনস ছেলেটিকে দিয়েছিল?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones gave the boy ten dollars.

57) Why did Mrs. Jones give Roger ten dollars? (কেন মিসেস জোনস রোজারকে দশ ডলার দিয়েছিল?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones gave Roger ten dollars so that he could buy his much desired blue suede shoes.

58) What was Mrs. Jones' warning to the boy? (মিসেস জোনস ছেলেটিকে কী সাবধানবানী দিয়েছিল?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones warned the boy not to make the mistake of latching onto nobody's purse.

59) What advice did Mrs. Jones give to Roger at the end of the story? (মিসেস জোনস রোজারকে কী উপদেশ দিয়েছিল গল্পের শেষে?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones advised Roger to behave properly at the end of the story.

60) What did the boy want to say to Mrs. Jones? (ছেলেটি মিসেস জোনসকে কী বলতে চেয়েছিল?)

Answer: The boy wanted to say "thank you ma'am" to Mrs. Jones.

61) What did the boy manage to say to Mrs. Jones? (ছেলেটি কোনোরকমে মিসেস জোনসকে কী বলতে পারল?)

Answer: The boy managed to say "thank you" to Mrs. Jones.

62) Why could Roger not say anything but 'thank you'? (কেন রোজার ‘থ্যাঙ্ক ইউ’ ছাড়া আর কিছু বলতে পারেনি?)

Answer: Roger could not say anything but "thank you" because Mrs. Jones shut the door.

63) What was the boy's parting words to Mrs. Jones? ( মিসেস জোনস কে বলা ছেলেটির শেষ শব্দগুলি কী ছিল?)
    Or, What were Roger's final words to Mrs. Jones? (কী ছিল মিসেস জোনসকে বলা রোজারের শেষ শব্দগুলি?)

Answer: Roger's final words to Mrs. Jones were "thank you".

64) Did Mrs. Jones and Roger ever meet again? (মিসেস জোনস এবং রোজারের কী আর কখনও দেখা হয়েছিল?)

Answer: Mrs. Jones and Roger never met again.

  • Thank You Ma'am Bengali Meaning | বাংলা অনুবাদ | বাংলা উচ্চারন - Click Here
  • WBCHSE Class 12 English Textbook Bengali Translation - Click Here

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