The Eyes Have It Question Answer (SAQ) | Class 12 | West Bengal Board

 If you are looking for 'The Eyes Have It' Questions Answers, you are at the right place. In this blog we have discussed about the important Short Type Question (SAQ) and answer of Ruskin Bond's short story 'The Eyes Have It'. We have also discussed about the alternative question. We hope it will be helpful to the students as well as the teachers.

The Eyes Have It | Ruskin Bond | Question Answer | Mindscapes | Class 12 | WBCHSE

The Eyes Have It Question Answer

Short Type Question (SAQ) Of 'The Eyes Have It'

1.  Who wrote ‘The Eyes Have It’? ('The Eyes Have It' কে লিখেছেন?)

Ans: Ruskin Bond wrote ‘The Eyes Have It’.

2. How far did the narrator travel alone? (কতদূর পর্যন্ত লেখক একাই ভ্রমন করেছিলেন?)

Ans: The narrator travelled alone up to Rohana.

3. Who accompanied the narrator upto Rohana? (রোহানা পর্যন্ত লেখককে কে সঙ্গ দিয়েছিল?)

Ans: Nobody accompanied the narrator upto Rohana.

4. At which station did the girl get into the train? (কোন স্টেশনে মেয়েটি ট্রেনে উঠেছিল?)

    Or, Where did the blind girl get into the train? (কোথায় অন্ধমেয়েটি ট্রেনে উঠেছিল?)

Ans: The girl got into the train at Rohana Station.

5. Who came to see the girl off? (কারা মেয়েটিকে বিদায় জানাতে এসেছিল?)

    Or, Who came to Rohana to see off the girl? (কারা রোহানায় এসেছিল মেয়েটিকে বিদায় জানাতে?)

Ans: The couple who were probably the girl’s parents, came to see the girl off.

6. What did the couple seem to be anxious about? (কী নিয়ে দম্পতিরা চিন্তিত ছিলেন?)

Ans: The couple seemed to be anxious about the girl’s comfort.

7. Who gave the girl detailed instructions at the moment of seeing her off? (কে মেয়েটিকে বিস্তারিত তথ্য দিয়েছিল তাকে বিদায় জানাতে এসে?)

Ans: The woman, probably the girl’s mother, gave her detailed instructions at the moment of seeing her off.

8. What instruction did the woman give to the young girl? (মহিলাটি মেয়েটিকে কী নির্দেশ দিয়েছিল?)

    Or, What did the woman instruct the girl? (মহিলাটি কী নির্দেশ দিয়েছিল মেয়েটিকে?) 

    Or, What was the couple’s advice to the girl? (মেয়েটিকে দম্পতিরা কী উপদেশ দিয়েছিল?)

Ans: The woman gave detailed instruction as to where to keep her things, when not to lean out of the windows and how to avoid to speaking to strangers.

9. How was the condition of the narrator’s eyes at that time? (সেই সময় লেখকের চোখের অবস্থা কেমন ছিল?)

Ans: The narrator was completely blind at that time.

10. What were the eyes of the narrator only sensitive to? (লেখকের চোখগুলি শুধুমাত্র কীসে সংবেদনশীল ছিল?)

    Or, What  were the eyes of the narrator in ‘The Eyes Have It’ sensitive to? ('The Eyes Have It' গল্পে লেখকের চোখ কীসে সংবেদনশীল ছিল?)

Ans: The eyes of the narrator was sensitive only to light and darkness.

11. Why were the narrator’s eyes sensitive only to light and darkness? (কেন লেখকের চোখ শুধুমাত্র আলো ও অন্ধকারে সংবেদনশীল ছিল?)

Ans: The narrator’s eyes were sensitive only to light and darkness because he was completely blind at the time.

12. How did the narrator come to know that the girl wore slippers? (কীভাবে লেখক জানতে পেরেছিলেন যে মেয়েটি চটি পড়ে রয়েছে?)

    Or, How did the narrator feel that the girl wore slippers? (কীভাবে লেখক বুঝতে পারলেন যে মেয়েটি চটি পড়ে রয়েছে?)

Ans: The narrator came to know that the girl wore slippers by hearing the sound of the slippers which slapped against her heels.

13. What sounds did the narrator like about the girl? (মেয়েটির কোন আওয়াজ লেখকের পছন্দ হয়েছিল?)

Ans: The narrator liked the sound of the girl’s voice.

14. What was the first question asked by the narrator to the girl? (লেখক কোন প্রশ্ন মেয়েটিকে প্রথম করেছিল?)

Ans: The narrator asked the girl whether she were going all the way to Dehra. That was the first question asked by the narrator to the girl.

15. Why did the narrator think that he must be sitting in a dark corner? (কীভাবে লেখক বুঝতে পারলেন যে তিনি অবশ্যই একটা অন্ধকার কোনে বসে আছেন?)

Ans: The narrator thought that he must be sitting in a dark corner because his voice startled the girl.

16. Why did the narrator think that his voice must have startled the girl? (কেন লেখক ভাবলেন যে তাঁর কন্ঠস্বর মেয়েটি চমকে দিয়েছিল?)

Ans: The narrator thought that his voice must have startled the girl because she gave a little exclamation and said that she did not know anyone else there.

17. Whose voice startled the girl? (কার কন্ঠস্বর মেয়েটিকে চমকে দিয়েছিল?)

Ans: The narrator’s voice startled the girl.

18. What remark did the narrator make about people with good eyesight? (কী মন্তব্য লেখক করেছিলেন যাদের ভালো দৃষ্টি আছে তাদের সম্পর্কে?)

Ans: The narrator remarked that people with good eyesight failed to see what was right in front of them and they had too much to take in.

19. What do the people with weak or no eyesight have to see? (যাদের দৃষ্টিশক্তি দুর্বল অথবা দৃষ্টিশক্তি নেই তারা কী করেন?)

Ans: The people who have weak or no eyesight have to see whatever registers most significantly on their remaining senses except vision.

20. What do blind people take in? (অন্ধ লোকেরা কী গ্রহন করেন?)

Ans: According to the narrator, the blind people take in only the essentials, whatever most tellingly register on all their senses except vision.

21. What did the narrator want to prevent the girl from discovering? (লেখক মেয়েটির কাছ থেকে কী আড়াল করতে চেয়েছিলেন?)

Ans: The narrator wanted to prevent the girl from discovering his blindness.

22. What was the narrator afraid of in ‘The Eyes Have It’? ('The Eyes Have It' গল্পে লেখক কী সম্পর্কে ভীত ছিলেন?)

Ans: In ‘The Eyes Have It’ the narrator was afraid of disclosing his blindness.

23. Where was the girl getting off? (কোথায় মেয়েটি নেমে গেছিল?)

    Or, Where was the girl in the story ‘The Eyes Have It’ getting off? ('The Eyes Have It' গল্পে মেয়েটি কোথায় নেমে গেছিল?)

Ans: The girl was getting off at Saharanpur.

24. Who would receive the blind girl at the destination? (গন্তব্যস্থলে কে অন্ধমেয়েটিকে আনতে এসেছিল?)

Ans: The girl’s aunt could receive the blind girl at the destination.

25. Who is going to meet the girl at Saharanpur station? (কে সাহারানপুর স্টেশনে মেয়েটির সাথে দেখা করেছিল?)

Ans: The girl’s aunt is going to meet her at Saharanpur station.

26. What is the narrator’s opinion about aunts? (আন্টিদের সম্পর্কে লেখকের কী ধারনা ছিল?)

Ans: The narrator’s opinion about aunts is that they are usually formidable creatures.

27. Whom did the narrator of ‘The Eyes Have It’ think to be formidable creatures? ('The Eyes Have It' গল্পের লেখক কাদের ভয়ঙ্কর প্রানী বলে ভাবতেন?)

Ans: The narrator of ‘The Eyes Have It’ thought aunts to be formidable creatures.

28.Who according to the narrator, are formidable creatures? (লেখকের মতানুযায়ী কারা হয় ভয়ঙ্কর প্রানী?)

Ans: According to the narrator, aunts are formidable creatures.

29. Where was the narrator going? (লেখক কোথায় যাচ্ছিলেন?)

    Or, Where was the narrator going in ‘The Eyes Have It’? ('The Eyes Have It' গল্পের লেখক কোথায় যাচ্ছিলেন?)

Ans: The narrator was going to Dehra, and then to Mussoorie.

30. Why was the narrator lucky according to the girl? (মেয়েটির মতানুযায়ী কেন লেখক ভাগ্যবান?)

    Or, Why did the girl consider the narrator lucky in the story, ‘The Eyes Have It’? ('The Eyes Have It' গল্পে কেন মেয়েটি লেখককে ভাগ্যবান ভেবেছে?)

Ans: According to the girl, the narrator was lucky because he was going to Mussoorie in October.

31. When do the hills look lovely, according to Ruskin Bond? (রাসকিন বন্ডের মতানুযায়ী কখন পাহাড়গুলিকে সুন্দর দেখায়?)

Ans: According to Ruskin Bond, the hills look lovely in October.

32. What, according to the narrator of Ruskin Bond’s story ‘The Eyes Have It’, is the best time to visit the hills? (রাসকিন বন্ডের লেখা 'The Eyes Have It' এর কথকের মতানুযায়ী পাহাড় দেখার সবচেয়ে ভালো সময় কোনটি?)

Ans: According to the narrator of Ruskin Bond’s story ‘The Eyes Have It’ October is the best time to visit the hills.

33. Why, according to the narrator, October is the best time to visit Mussorie? (লেখকের মতানুযায়ী, কেন অক্টোবর মুসৌরি ঘুরতে যাওয়ার সবচেয়ে সঠিক সময়?)

    Or, Which was the most pleasant time in Mussoorie? (মুসৌরিতে সবচেয়ে আরামদায়ক সময় কোনটি?)

Ans: According to the narrator, October is the best time to visit Mussorie because in that time the hills are covered with wild dahlias, the sun is delicious, most of the tourists have gone and the roads are quiet and almost deserted.

34. What mistake did the narrator commit? (কোন ভুলটি লেখক করেছিলেন?)

    Or, “Then I made a mistake” – What mistake did the speaker make? (কোন ভুল বক্তা করেছিলেন?)

Ans: The narrator committed a mistake of asking the girl what it was like outside.

35. What was the question that removed the doubt of the narrator? (কোন প্রশ্নটা লেখকের সন্দেহটা দুর করেছিল?)

Ans: The woman asked why he had not look out of the window. That was the question that removed the doubt of the narrator.

36. What did the narrator pretend facing the window? (লেখক জানালার দিকে মুখ করে কী দেখার ভান করেছিলেন?)

Ans: Facing the window, the narrator made a pretence of studying the landscape.

37. What sounds were heard by the narrator facing the window? (লেখক জানালার দিকে মুখ করে কী শব্দ শুনেছিলেন?)

Ans: Facing the window, the narrator heard the panting of the engine and the rumble of the wheels.

38. What could the narrator see in his mind’s eye? (লেখক তাঁর মনের চোখ দিয়ে কী দেখতে পারতেন?)

Ans: The narrator could see in his mind’s eye telegraph flashing by.

39. What always happened according to the young girl? (মেয়েটির মতে কী প্রায়ই ঘটে?)

Ans: According to the young girl, when the passengers travel by vehicle they seem to be standing still but the trees seem to be moving. That always happens.

40. How could the narrator answer confidently that there was no animal? (কীভাবে কবি দ্বিধাহীনভাবে উত্তর দিলেন যে সেখানে কোনো প্রানী নেই?)

Ans: The narrator could answer confidently that there was no animal because he knew that there were hardly any animals left in the forest near Dehra.

41. How did the narrator praise the girl? (কীভাবে লেখক মেয়েটির প্রশংসা করেছিলেন?)

Ans: The narrator praised the girl by telling her that she had an interesting face.

42. What according to the narrator, can few girls resist? (লেখকের মতানুযায়ী কিছু মেয়েই শুধুমাত্র কী প্রতিরোধ করতে পারে?)

Ans: According to the narrator, few girls can resist flattery.

43. “It was a safe remark” – why did the narrator consider it a safe remark? (কেন লেখক ভেবেছিলেন এটা একটা নিরাপদ মন্তব্য?)

Ans: The narrator considered it a safe remark because he thought that few girls can resist flattery.

44. “It was a safe remark.” – What was a safe remark? (কী নিরাপদ মন্তব্য ছিল?)

Ans: The blind narrator remarked that the girl had an ‘interesting face’. That was a safe remark.


45. What compliment did Bond give to his co-passenger, the girl? ( বন্ড তাঁর সহযাত্রী মেয়েটিকে কী প্রশংসা করেছিলেন?)

Ans: Bond complimented the girl by saying the she had an interesting face.

46. What caused the girl to laugh pleasantly? (কী মেয়েটিকে শান্তভাবে হাসিয়েছিল?)

Ans: The narrator remarked that the girl had an interesting face. So the girl laughed pleasantly.

47. What was the girl tired of? (মেয়েটি কীসে ক্লান্ত ছিল?)

Ans: The girl was tired of people telling her that she had a pretty face.

48. What daring remark did the narrator make? (কী সাহসী মন্তব্য লেখক করেছিলেন?)

Ans: The narrator remarked that she had an interesting face.

49. What was the girl’s opinion about the narrator? (লেখক সম্পর্কে মেয়েটির কী ধারনা ছিলেন?)

Ans: The girl’s opinion about the narrator was that he was a very gallant young man but he was very serious.

50. How did the girl describe the narrator? (কীভাবে মেয়েটি লেখককে বর্ননা করেছিল?)

    Or, How did the girl describe the narrator in ‘The Eyes Have It’? ('The Eyes Have It' গল্পে কীভাবে মেয়েটি লেখককে বর্ণনা করেছিল?)

Ans: The girl described the narrator as a very gallant young man but he was very serious.

51. What made the narrator feel trouble and lonely? (কী লেখককে পীড়িত ও একা ভাবিয়েছিল?)

Ans: The thought of laugh for the blind girl’s remark about the narrator made the narrator feel trouble and lonely.

52. “We’ll soon be at your station.” – What station is referred here? (কোন স্টেশনের কথা এখানে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে?)

Ans: Saharanpur Station is referred to here.

53. Why was the girl happy about her journey being short? (কেন মেয়েটি তার ভ্রমন কম সময়ের হওয়ার জন্য খুশি ছিল?)

Ans: The girl was happy about her journey being short because she couldn’t bear in a train for more than two or three hours.

54. How did the narrator describe the voice of the girl? (কীভাবে লেখক মেয়েটির কন্ঠস্বর বর্ণনা করেছিলেন?)

    Or, How did the narrator in ‘The Eyes Have It’ describe the voice of the blind girl? ('The Eyes Have It' এর লেখক কীভাবে অন্ধ মেয়েটির কন্ঠস্বর বর্ণনা করেছিলেন?)

    Or, How was the voice of the girl? (মেয়েটির কন্ঠস্বর কেমন ছিল?)

Ans: The narrator thought that the voice of the girl had a sparkle of a mountain stream.

55. When did the girl get up and begin to collect her things? (কখন মেয়েটি উঠে পড়ল এবং তার জিনিসপত্র সংগ্রহ করতে শুরু করল?)

Ans: When the engine’s whistle of the train shrieked and the carriage wheels changed their sound before reaching the station at Saharanpur, the girl got up and began to collect her things.

56. What did the narrator assume about the girl’s hair-do? (মেয়েটি তার চুল কীভাবে রেখেছে সেই সম্পর্কে কী ধারনা করেছিলেন?)

Ans: The narrator assumed about the girl’s hair that she wore her hair in bun, or it was plaited, or it was hanging loose over her shoulders, or it was cut very short.

57. What sounds were heard outside the narrator’s compartment? (লেখকের কামরার বাইরে কীসের শব্দ শোনা গেল?)

Ans: The shouting of porters and vendors and a high pitched female voice were heard outside the narrator’s compartment.

58. Where was the high-pitched female voice heard? (কোথায় মহিলাটির উচ্চ-কন্ঠস্বর শোনা গেল?)

Ans: The high-pitched female voice was heard outside the narrator’s compartment.

59. What seemed tantalizing to the narrator? (লেখককে কী প্রলুব্ধ করেছিল?)

    Or, What was tantalizing to the author of ‘The Eyes Have It’? ('The Eyes Have It' গল্পের লেখককে কী প্রলুব্ধ করেছিল?)

Ans: The perfume from the girl’s hair seemed tantalizing to the narrator.

60. What did the narrator want to touch? (লেখক কী স্পর্শ করতে চেয়েছিল?)

Ans: The narrator wanted to touch the girl’s hair.

61. Why did the narrator want to raise his hand to touch the girl’s hair? (কেন লেখক তার হাত বাড়িয়ে মেয়েটির চুল স্পর্শ করতে চেয়েছিল?)

Ans: The narrator wanted to raise his hand to touch the girl’s hair because the perfume from her hair was tantalizing him.

62. What lingered inside the compartment after the girl left? (মেয়েটির চলে যাওয়ার পরেও কামরার ভিতরে কী রয়ে গিয়েছিল?)

Ans: Only the scent of the girl’s perfume lingered inside the compartment after she left.

63. Who stammered an apology? (কে ক্ষমা চেয়েছিল?)

Ans: The new passenger who got into the train after the girl’s departure stammered an apology.

64. What was the game the narrator wanted to play once again? (কোন খেলাটা কবি আবার খেলতে চেয়েছিলেন?)

Ans: Guessing what went on outside the window of the train was the game the narrator wanted to play once again.

65. What could have been a fascinating game for the narrator? (কোনটা লেখকের কাছে একটা চমৎকার খেলা হবে?)

Ans: Guessing what went on outside the window of the train could have been a fascinating game for the narrator.

66. Who broke into the narrator’s reverie? (কে লেখকের দিবাস্বপ্ন ভেঙে দিয়েছিল?)

Ans: The new passenger who got into the train compartment after the girl’s departure broke into the narrator’s reverie.

67. "You must be disappointed" – who said this to whom and why? (কে কাকে এবং কেন এটা বলেছিলেন?)

Ans: The new passenger said this to the narrator because he was not as attractive travelling companion as the girl.

68. What did the new fellow-passenger observe about the girl? (নতুন সহযাত্রীটি মেয়েটির কী পর্যবেক্ষন করেছিলেন?)

Ans: The new fellow-passenger observed the girl’s eyes which were of no use to her.

69. What did the narrator want to know from the new passenger? (কবি নতুন সহযাত্রীর কাছ থেকে কী জানতে চেয়েছিল?)

Ans: The narrator wanted to know from the new passenger whether the girl’s hair was long or short.

70. What did the narrator ask the new passenger about the girl’s hair? (মেয়েটির চুল সম্পর্কে লেখক নতুন সহযাত্রীটিকে কী জিজ্ঞাসা করেছিলেন?)

Ans: The narrator asked the new passenger about the girl’s hair whether she kept her hair long or short.

71. What did the second fellow-passenger say to the blind narrator about the girl’s eyes? (মেয়েটির চোখ সম্পর্কে দ্বিতীয় সহযাত্রীটি অন্ধলেখককে কী বলেছিলেন?)

Ans: The second fellow-passenger said to the blind narrator about the girl’s eyes that although she had a beautiful eyes but they were of no use because the girl was completely blind.

72. Why were the eyes of the girl useless? (কেন মেয়েটির চোখগুলো অকেজো ছিল?)

    Or, Why were the eyes of the girl of no use? (কেন মেয়েটির চোখগুলির কোনো কাজের ছিল না?)

Ans: The eyes of the girl were useless because she was completely blind.

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