The Price of Bananas Question Answer | Class 9 | Lesson 10 | West Bengal Board

On this page we published West Bengal Board Class 9 prose The Price of Banans Question Answer. We also provide grammar and writing portion of the textbook exercise.

the price of bananas question answer

The price of Bananas Question Answer

The Price of Bananas Bengali Meaning - Click Here

Exercise - 1
Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1) The author was on his way from Faizabad railway station to -

    (a) Delhi

    (b) Kolkata

    (c) Lucknow ✅

    (d) Ahmedabad

2) From the water pump the passengers were filling up their

    (a) water bottles

    (b) earthen pitchers 

    (c) brass jugs 

    (d) steel buckets

3) The gentleman who came up to the author's compartment looked like a  -

    (a) businessman 

    (b) doctor

    (c) teacher

    (d) postman

4) The price the vendor asked for the bananas was -

    (a) two annas 

    (b) four annas

    (c) six annas

    (d) eight annas

5) The author drew the cartoon of -

    (a) fruit vendor

    (b) monkey

    (c) porter

    (d) Sethji 

Exercise - 2

Answer the following questions within fifteen words:

1) Where did the young monkeys sit?

Ans: The young monkeys sat on the boughs of neem and tamarind trees.

2) What did the monkey do to the loin cloth of the pious person?

Ans: The monkey snatched away the loin cloth of the pious person  who was taking bath under the pump.

3) What did Sethji's luggage include?

Ans: Sethji's luggage included a big steel trunk, several small baskets and a brass jug.

4) Why, according to the fruit vendor, were the monkeys disturbing the passengers?

Ans: According to the fruit vendor, the monkeys were disturbing the passengers because they were hungry.

Exercise - 3

Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:

1) What was the businessman wearing?

Ans: The businessman was wearing a white muslin dhoti, a delicate tunic and an embroidered cap on his head.

2) What did the monkey do after accepting the fruit vendor's bargain?

Ans: After accepting the fruit vendor's bargain, the monkey took over the bananas with his right hand and released the embroidered cap, slightly crumpled, with its left hand.

3) How did the whole amusing episode end?

Ans: The whole amusing episode ended in a bitter sense of grievance against the rich businessman who had been so hard to the generous-hearted fruit vendor.

Exercise - 4

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:

(a) _________ sun rises in the east.

Ans: The

(b) The dog jumped ____________ the log.

Ans: over

(c) I love to watch _____________ one-day match.

Ans: a

(d) ___________ a pen, Tiya also has an eraser.

Ans: Besides

Exercise - 5

Change the voice of the following sentences:

(a) Mr. Khan is known to me.

Ans: I know Mr. Khan.

(b) Trina had composed a poem.

Ans: A poem had been composed by Trina.

(c) I will always remember you.

Ans: You will always be remembered by me.

(d) They have made him the President of the club.

Ans: He has been made the President of the club by them.

Exercise - 6

Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the given verbs in brackets:

(a) They ________ _________ their puja vacation in the hills. (spend)

Ans: have, spent

(b) We _________ _________ in this city for over ten years. (live)

Ans: are, living

(c) I ___________ just __________ reading the book. (finish)

Ans: have, completed

(d) The project ______ _______ ______ by June next year. (complete)

Ans: will have completed

Exercise - 7

Change the mode of narration in the following sentences:

(a) Rahul said, "Alas! Brazil has lost the match."

Ans: Rahul exclaimed with sorrow that Brazil had lost the match.

(b) "Let us go for a walk," said Shabnam to Chandni.

Ans: Shabnam proposed/suggested Chandni that they should go for a walk.

(c) "Good morning, madam," said the students to the teacher.

Ans: The students addressed the teacher as madam and wished good morning.

(d) My father said to me, "Do not pluck flowers."

Ans: My father forbade me to pluck flowers.

Exercise - 8

Write a story in about 100 words using the given hints. Give a suitable title to the story:

[Hints: two cats find a piece of bread - fight over it - monkey arrives - decides to settle the dispute - monkey breaks the bread into two - uneven size - eats a portion from the larger share - dispute continues - monkey eats both pieces of bread.]

Two Foolish Cats and A Clever Monkey

Once upon a time two cats lived in a village. One day they were strolling down a street. Suddenly they found a piece of bread beside a tea shop. They wanted their own shares. So they started fighting over it. A monkey was passing by. He stopped and decided to settle their dispute. He broke the piece into two. But unfortunately the piece of bread was broken into two uneven sizes. To solve further dispute the monkey ate a portion of the larger share. But the dispute continued. At last the monkey ate both pieces of bread. The two cats became fool.

Exercise - 9

Using the following points write a paragraph in about 100 words on how your locality looks like at dawn:

[your place of stay - early morning - sky - description of the nature around - sounds that are heard - reasons for enjoyment - conclusion]

How My Locality Looks Like at Dawn

I live in a village. My village is surrounded by beautiful greenery. At dawn, the nature looks very beautiful. The early morning sky is blue and clear. Here and there the clouds are flying in the sky. The cool breeze blows gently. It makes us ready with positive energy for the whole day’s work. The chirping of the birds pleases our ears and breaks the silence of the night. Everything looks splendid with the first light of the day. Everybody becomes contented by hearing natural sounds and enjoying such beautiful scenery. It relaxes our mind and body.


প্রতিবেদনটি আপনার কেমন লেগেছে তা সম্পর্কে আপনার মূল্যবান মতামত জানাতে কমেন্ট বক্সে কমেন্ট করুন। ধন্যবাদ।

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